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Friggeri srl

Simple, unique, effective:

this is our style.


We shape our company following a simple method: the profound passion that drives us to promote customer success.
For 45 years, by aligning our passion with values ​​that affect our customers, we have achieved balanced and sustainable growth on a global scale.

We retain to be a particularly dynamic and flexible company, thanks above all to the enormous availability of our employees, to the willingness of the property to delegate and at the same time continue to invest in the company with the aim of always finding new spaces, new services to offer and new products to be developed.
We have gradually increased our technological skills over the years, always looking for a distinctive element that is necessary in the most difficult challenges, those challenges that often seem impossible.

Distribution panels

Distribution panels

Energy distribution panels  strong, modular and compact



Electric links, connections, extensions and adapters  with Domestic, CEE e Mazzeri standards



LED lighting devices, powerful, strong and performing


Take control of all the power required for your installation !

We offer a full line of modular and portable  distribution panels modular and portable, interconnection accessories and control devices.
The final result is the full control and flexibility to manage at best your installation in RAPID, SAFE and ECONOMIC way.




To meet your installation needs we can produce custom distribution panels in 24 hours!
Our database of feasible projects is constantly updated based on the requests and achievements that come from our customers, reflect the needs and needs that are constantly encountered in the field.
Each project is carefully evaluated and developed to be replicated at any time on request.
The parts necessary for the realization of each single panel are always assorted in stock.
The semi-finished products used to compose each individual unit are constantly constructed so as to make the assembly line rapid.
If the unit requested according to customer specifications is not available in stock, the assembly line can assemble it within 24 hours.
Our customers work in a sector where rapidity of execution makes it one of the main parameters.


Torre faro carrellata

Network powered lighting tower with LED source

with blackout static emergency rescuer

Compact system with integrated telescopic pole for a height of over 5 meters equipped with 6 powerful LED projectors for a total power of 600W.
Uniformity of lighting thanks to the width of the beam of the installed projectors.
Equipped with a cart to be easily moved by hand using a guide rudder.
Anti-overturning stabilizers can be inserted by means of a snap joint and adjustable in height to be easily leveled.
Equipped with an integrated double conversion digital rescuer unit against the BLACK-OUT for extraordinary autonomy up to 100 minutes of operation and with automatic switching system.
Lifting winch with steel cable with anti-drop clutch and anti-fall safety blocks.
Revolving illuminating head with quick lock and adjustable inclination of the projectors.
Torre faro carrellata

Multisocket for "Mazzeri" system

The most stronger ever!!

Made to maintain the electrical and mechanical characteristics unchanged over time.
Certified according to CE standards, respects the electrical regulations in force.
Input plug and 3 compact and space-saving outputs.
Power rescuer 2000VA

portable electric rescuer 2000VA

for emergency and field lighting

Portable professional emergency rescuer system, ideal for energizing LED luminaires and preventing blackouts
according to EN 50171.


Equipments distributed from our company are designed, developed and assembled in our factory located in Montecchio Emilia (RE) Italy.

Quality is managed independently by the company and by highly specialized and experienced personnel.
Functional tests and quality controls are scrupulously performed on each individual unit to fully meet the initial design requirements.


Power4events ® is a brand owned by Elettroapparecchiature Friggeri srl 
via G.Galilei 37/B | 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE) Italy
Tel. +39.0522.864644 | Fax. +39.0522.866145 | entertainment@friggeri.com
© 2025 Power 4 Events. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Friggeri srl

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